For the better part of Thursday, protests erupted in streets of Migori town following the latest arrest of Migori Governor Okoth Obado.

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Mr Obado was arraigned before Kibera Chief Magistrate Joyce Gandan where he was remanded awaiting application of bail after being charged with illegal possession of firearms.

And in Migori, pro-Obado slogans dominated in the streets as residents accused the state of harassing the second term governor.

Migori- Kisii Highway was temporarily closed as police struggled to contain defiant youths who demanded for Mr Obado's unconditional release.

Detectives arrested Obado on Wednesday at Hilton Hotel where he was attending Investors meeting along with DP William Ruto, with reports indicating that he attempted to escape on a taxi.

For the last few months, a section of Obado's supporters have accused ODM leader Raila Odinga of allegedly orchastrating Obado's woes, a claim which ODM party has dismissed.

Mr Obado is also facing murder charges over the death of his girlfriend Sharon Otieno and their unborn baby.

Similar scenario was witnessed in Kibera as angry supporters condemned his latest apprehension, many linking it with politics.
