The festive season is fast beckoning and perhaps you are wondering how best you can spend the holiday with your loved ones.

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For those that are planning to visit the shags for the December holidays, thumbs up but for the town dwellers who may wish to visit Kisumu city this December, here are 7 common phrases you need to know before setting a foot in the lakeside city.


This is a luo word meaning 'that's it. It is synonymous with the lakeside natives in their conversations whenever one wants to approve a point.

2 Oyaore

This means good morning. It is a form of greeting used by Luos and is typically replied as Oyaore ahinya (Morning too).

3:Mos ahinya

This means sorry. It is mostly used to express concern or show sympathy when one is faced with a difficult situation or when you wrong someone.

4 Tera mos/Dhi mos 

This is a common phrase synonymous with locals within the town. It means go slow. It is normally used when addressing someone who is hasty . It is equated to pole pole in Kiswahili.

5 Erokamano ahinya

 It basically means thanks a lot.

This phrase can be used to show appreciation towards something good done to you by another person.

6: Wanere bang'e

It means see you later.

Commonly used when bidding a friend bye or when seeing someone off.

7: Adwaro chiemo

Translates to I need food. 

This is mostly applicable when requesting for food either in restaurants or food joints. It can also be used when addressing someone in case you are feeling hungry.

If you are keen on adventure then try out this phrases, you will be surprised at the outcome.

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