Four police officers who were on Monday caught on camera assaulting a student from Jomo Kenyatta University of Technology (JKUAT), have been identified, and interdicted.

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A statement from Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai said the four were interdicted, after an investigation by the Internal Affairs Unit of the National Police Service.

In the statement, the IG noted that further action will taken on the four officers.

"The National Police Service wishes to inform that the four police officers who were caught on camera meting excessive force on a JKUAT student have been identified and consequently interdicted from service as per police procedures. 

"Further action and other internal disciplinary processes will follow the recommendations of the Internal Affairs Unit Recommendations, " the statement read in part.

It is still not clear who the four officers are, as there identities were not revealed.

Interior and Coordination of National Government Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang'i on Monday said, he will ensure action is taken against the four officers.

"I have observed the events at JKUAT today with profound concern. The use of force by police is clearly outlined in the National Police Standing Orders. I have spoken to the IG and we both agree that firm and decisive action shall be taken against any officer who used excessive force, within the next 24 hour," he said