Marriage can be difficult since it involves a lifelong commitment to someone else. As the years go by, it progressively loses its elasticity. The sacred bonds that were once inseparable and flourishing slacken off. The blossoming relationship instantly begins experiencing storms leading to infidelity, and countless others go to the extent of divorce. However, marriage doesn’t have to be boring; it can be lively. Here's how to protect your marriage from infidelity.
1. Constantly connect with your loved one on intimate levels
This can involve sharing God’s word if the couple is religious. It can equally involve disclosing secrets deeply rooted in the heart. Asking your loved one about their day to day experiences and empathising with them when they're facing different challenges will reserve your relationship and help you maintain a strong bond.
2. Ensure the spark is flared up
Romance is like a burning flame that burns effortlessly but can easily go off. Ensure that the romance present on the first date is the same each day. Take flowers to her office or call him just to inquire about his day. Take each other out on dates and simply do whatever you can just to ensure your love keeps burning.
3. Prioritize one another
Most couples tend to place their kids first. Some even put their friends and relatives' needs before those of their partner. Your partner should always be at the top of your priority list.