Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga is no doubt the most fearless politician in Kenya. 

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The former Prime Minister has had many sleepless nights in the course of his much envied political career.

Just to mention but a few incidences that he went through a hard time in his political life, Raila was once jailed for a period of eight years fighting for democratic change in the country.

Raila has also spent many sleepless nights after losing three elections which he vied for the presidency.

However, a tbt photo of Raila shows that he used to be shy and handsome. In a photo taken in 1979, Raila is seen with his wife Ida Odinga and their son the late Fidel Odinga standing near a car. 

Looking at the photo, you will agree with me that “Vindu Vichejanga.” He has transformed greatly to be the serious man he is currently. 

The ODM leader is currently working together with President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Jubilee government for the good of Kenya. 

His famous handshake with Uhuru eased political tension in the country that had been there since the disputed August 8, 2017, general elections and later the repeat polls on October 26, 2017.

Here is the photo of Raila Odinga and his family back in the days:

Raila, Ida and their son, late Fidel Odinga [Source/]