There was drama at Kamiti Maximum Prison on Monday morning when prisoners refused to take their porridge. 

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This is after they went on 'strike' to protest the ongoing search for contraband items in the prison. 

Some inmates refused to surrender the contraband items sneaked into the cells. 

Kamiti is the biggest prison in Kenya. It has the tightest security around it, which includes cameras and hawk-eyed guards, who take turns in manning the prison's walls. 

More so, vehicles and people entering the prison are screened before making their way in.

It is believed the items came their way into the prison through the prison staff, prison warders and visitors where some of them are thrown over the wall of the prison. 

The items sneaked into the prison are used for different purposes by the inmates.

This is not the first time chaos have erupted in the prison. In 2014, a similar incidence happened at the prison. During the search, various items were recovered. 

Items recovered include mobile phones, laptops, rolls of bhang, cigarettes, narcotic drugs,  razor blades, electric cookers, daggers, knives, Safaricom internet modem and money. 

The Monday morning riot was cooled down and everything back to normal. However, the prison has not revealed what was recovered during the search.