Former president Mwai Kibaki was born November 15, 1931. He celebrated his 87th anniversary on Thursday.

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Here are what Nairobians had to say on the day:

"The Economy grew!!! And businesses thrived. Salute Mzee Kibaki!! Thank you," Nyambura Grace said. 

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"The most performing president ever. Kenya misses him dearly," Abdihakin Keinan said. 

Others remembered when her wife Lucy Kibaki forced to tell the public she is his only wife. 

"I vividly remember that press conference at State House when Mama Lucy made the president tell the nation that she's the one and only wife. A good man indeed. Left landmark projects like Thika Super Highway and much more," Mohamed Hared said.

Those not satisfied with President Uhuru Kenyatta's leadership had their say too. 

"Happy birthday Mr President. The only issue I have is that, just as Ferguson was wrong in selecting Moyes as his successor at Man U, you left us in the hands of people who STRONGLY BELIEVE we cannot develop without taking loans," Peter Gitari Maina

These were just a few remarks people had to say about the politician.

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