Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is the fourth and current president of Kenya. He was born on the 26th of October 1961(57 years) to late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Ngina Kenyatta popularly known as Mama Ngina. 

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His father Jomo Kenyatta became the first president of Kenya and this means he was born in a political and wealthy family. 

He attended St. Mary's School in Nairobi where he was active in sports and played as a winger for the school's rugby team. 

Upon completion of high school education, Uhuru flew to the US, Amherst College in Massachusetts where he attained a degree in political science and economics. 

In 1997, he was elected chair of a local brunch of Kenya African National Union(KANU). The second president Daniel Moi was determined to groom Uhuru. He appointed him chair of the Kenya Tourists Board in 1999.

In 2001, he was nominated by Moi to fill a parliamentary seat. From there, Moi then appointed him the minister for local government. 

In 2002, Moi made Kenyatta one of the four vice chairs of KANU. Because Moi was retiring and wanted a successor of his own, he named Kenyatta KANU's presidential candidate. 

However, members of KANU did not like the idea since Moi did not hold discussions before selecting Kenyatta as his potential successor. They left the party, and began to support Mwai Kibaki who was the opposition leader at that time. 

In the December 2002 elections, Mwai defeated Kenyatta and became the third president of Kenya. Kenyatta then became the opposition leader in the parliament. 

In 2005, he became the chairman of KANU opting for presidency in the next elections. As the 2007 elections approached, Kenyatta dropped his candidacy and decided to back Kibaki who was running for his second term. 

Mwai Kibaki won the elections against Raila Odinga and several contenders. This caused post election violence as Odinga and his supporters failed to accept the win. 

Kibaki appointed Kenyatta as minister for local government in January 2008. A coalition government was formed in April 2008 and Kenyatta was appointed deputy prime minister and minister of trade. He later became the minister of finance. 

Kenyatta alongside five other suspects were accused by the International Criminal Court(ICC) of instigating the 2007/08 post election wars. Kenyatta however, proved innocent and went on with his political ambitions. 

He joined up with William Ruto of the United Republican Party(URP) who was also a suspect of the election wars with his new party The National Alliance(TNA) to form the Jubilee Coalition. 

Kenyatta who was deputised by Ruto won the Match 4th, 2012 elections with a 50.07 percent vote flooring his close rival Odinga who managed 43.31 percent of the vote. He(Odinga) filed a case with the High Court seeking annulment of Uhuru's win. However, the court uplifted the win and Uhuru became the fourth president of Kenya. 

In September 2016, the parties making up the Jubilee coalition dissolved forming the Jubilee Party led by him and deputised by Ruto. This was in preparation of the 2017 elections. 

In August 8, 2017, elections were held and Kenyatta again defeated Odinga garnering 54 percent of the vote against Odinga's 45 percent. Odinga again declined to accept the  outcome. 

He however gave in and on the 9th of March 2018, he reconciled with Uhuru through what was called Historical Handshake at Harambee House in Nairobi. 

Uhuru will lead the country until 2022 when the country will head to the polls again.
