Pork is a popular type of meat that many enjoy for its distinguished taste. It is one type of meat that you will never bump into the store shelves as processed meat.

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However, its high in protein and vitamins. Some benefits of eating pork include:

1. Boost the immune system and maintain strong bones

Pork contains selenium, zinc and phosphorus which is essential in bodily functions. It helps in maintaining strong bones, improvement of immunity and also boosts the growth of cells in the body. 

2. Growth of muscle tissues

If you are thinking of having great muscles, pork is ideal for you since it contains Vitamin B1 that will repair and boost the growth of muscle tissues because it assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates. 

3. Contains glycine.

This is a great but a rare nutrient which is found in pork. It is a vital amino acid used as a building block in making antioxidants that prevent the cells from getting damages from free radicals. In addition, it boosts the quality of sleep and help in protecting the liver from the damages caused by alcohol intake.