Despite his handlers maintaining that he would spent few more days in his Nairobi after securing bail on Wednesday, Governor Okoth Obado made a quiet return to Migori on Friday, reports the Standard.

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And on Saturday, Obado caught worshippers at Upper Hill SDA off-guard when he quietly drive to the church for devotion unnoticed.

After sometime, he was given time to greet the congregation where he asked them to pray for him, adding that God has been good to him.

“God has been with me and I am requesting for more prayers,” he said.

After the church service, Obado, who is accused of murdering his girlfriend Sharon Otieno, was seen mingling freely with worshipers and exchanging, often laughing.

A church goer said:"He drove in unnoticed and many of us saw him long after he had sat amongst us."

Mr. Obado is said to have landed in Migori on Friday silently before going to his rented house popularly known as 'State House'.

He is likely to stay in the house since his Rapogi home remains out of bounds following restrictions by the court.

Justice Jessie Lessit restricted him from coming near to Homa Bay-Migori boundary with 20 kilometres declared danger zones. His Rapogi home falls within that radius.

Mr. Obado will return to court on May 2019 and would be unable to ask for adjournment of the murder case.