Deputy President William Samoei Ruto is set for the 2022 presidential tickets. 

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His presidential ambition has created more rifts within the Jubilee Alliance.

However, in my own opinion, Ruto does not need the support of the Jubilee 2022 presidential elections to win the much-coveted seat. 

He is a great thinker who knows how to play his cards well. He knows how to influence fellow politicians to support him.

One man he needs to closely work with is Governor Okoth Obado, the current Migori County Governor. Why?

Governor Okoth Obado is slowly becoming the next big thing in Luo Nyanza. 

His recent tribulations have greatly earned him more supporters and followers. Okoth Obado has for a long time been at loggerheads with Raila Odinga, the political kingpin in Nyanza region. 

Governor Obado first won his gubernatorial seat on a PDP ticket, after failing to secure an ODM ticket in the nominations. That was the beginning of his tribulations with Raila Odinga who is the ODM leader. 

He defied all odds to win the gubernatorial seat with a 'strange party' (PDP). I consider it as a strange party as Nyanza is mainly an ODM zone. In fact, he is the first Governor from Nyanza to win a top political seat using a different party other than the known ODM. 

This greatly proves that Obado has a following in Nyanza, as he can manage to convince voters to vote for him using a different party from ODM.

Most political leaders from Nyanza depend on the support of Raila Odinga to clinch political seats. But for Obado, he depends on his own followership without support from Raila, the kingpin of politics in Nyanza.

Well, Governor Okoth Obado is in a better position to marshall more votes for Ruto, in particular, the vast South Nyanza region, where his political dominance is. 

Governor Obado draws a huge following in South Nyanza. He can easily marshall the votes for Dr William Samoei Ruto, our very own hustler from Sugoi.
