Have you ever thought of coming up with a banana wine? Well, one can make a wine derived from bananas at home. You only need the ingredients and you will be good to go.

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Here is a way of making such a wine;

1. In a sufuria, boil 2 litres of water and allow it to cool for some minutes. 

2. You will again be required to boil 1/4 litres of water to 170°F, then pour it in a sterile ceramic jar. Add yeast and be sure of mixing them. Cover the jar to allow the yeast ferment.

3.  Chop the bananas with their skin (don't remove the peels). Then, add raisins and some sugar. With a long wooden spoon, stir the mixture. 

4. You will also need to add crushed cloves, proofed yeast, chillies and cinnamon and stir. 

5. Using a lid, cover the jar and allow it to sit in a warm place for at least 15 days. Remember to stir the mixture after every few days with a sanitized paddle. 

6. Using sanitized equipment, clarify your wine into sterilized bottles. Tightly close the bottles and store them in a cool and dark place for another 2 months for them to be pure wine. 

Remember not to touch them during this period, don't even shake the bottles.