There have been a lot of discussions regarding which side of the curtain should face inside the house and which should face outside. 

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Generally, curtains have a side that is well decorated and the other dull side.

My friend came to visit me and after seeing the way I had oriented my curtains, she suggested a change. 

We argued for a good time on which side should face inside or outside. 

After realizing no one was willing to surrender,  we decided to first google and see who was right. 

Most, if not all images had the nice side facing inside the house.

[Hanged curtain: source/]

That could not end the argument,  we decided to find out how the 40 houses in the apartment I stay orient their curtain. 

29 out of the 40 oriented their curtains with the nice side facing inside the house. One of the houses had a curtain that had same shade both sides and the remaining had the decor facing outside. 

The explanation by a majority of those facing their curtain outside was to make people see the lovely colours of the curtain.

Those who opted to have their curtains face inside argue that it's for them to see the colours and people outside see the reverse. 

I decided to seek a professional opinion from different interior designers in Kenya through their Facebook contacts and here are  their responses:

Palacina interiors: "The nice side should face inside the house."

Smart interior design Kenya: "For windows, the 'nice' side faces inside. The only exception is when the curtain is hanged in at the entrance e.g a door."

Wallpaper centre interior designers: "The nice side always faces the inside of the room. The underside faces to the window."

Zulni Designs: "The nicer side should face inside the house."

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