Parenting is not an easy journey. Children need to be taught the different values that they need to be successful. It is recommended for parents to start as early as possible to train their children to become better persons when they grow up. The things you teach your child will impact their lives in different ways in the long run. 

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Here are three values you should teach your children by age five.

1. Love

Children should know the importance of love. They should start by knowing that they need to love themselves as well as those around them.  Parents should also remind their children that love has no boundaries but they must remember to tread cautiously when they choose different paths in life.

2. Honesty

Honesty is a special value you must teach your kids. The kids should be honest with themselves as well as the people around them. An honest child is admirable. Remind your kids to stand for the truth all the time if they want to be happy at the end of the day. They should also know that the truth always sets a person free.

3. Determination

Life is full of challenges. You need to be determined to reach your destiny. Children should be taught the benefits of determination in their daily lives. They should also know that failing at something is not the end of life.