The Education cabinet secretary Professor George Magoha has taken the much-vaunted 100 per cent transition campaign to Muhoroni.
In a tweet shared on the Ministry of Education's handle, the ministry said that the CS appealed to local leaders to support the government's efforts to ensure that all pupils who sat for their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) join secondary schools.
"Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha today took the Government’s 100 per cent transition campaign from primary to the secondary school level to Muhoroni sub-county where he urged leaders to ensure all 2019 KCPE candidates are admitted to Form One starting January 13, 2020, " Ministry of Education's tweet read.
High school fees are seen by some as a big hurdle in seeing through the 100 per cent transition campaign.
As part of his strategy of ensuring that all students join secondary schools, the Education cabinet secretary warned schools heads across the country against increasing fees.
"I still hear some people say that the CS has increased school fees and I ask myself, where has this come from? If we find somebody in his own wisdom sending a child home, for example, because they have not paid lunch money then we will come down on you like a tonne of bricks,” Magoha said on Friday during an Equity Wings to Fly ceremony.