Some drugs simply maim our kidney in different ways. Taking them can be dangerous. They interfere with the functions of the kidney including filtering blood and flushing out some toxins. ​

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It is basically important that you familiarize yourself with these drugs so that you can limit their intake. 

You can always see a doctor for medical advice before using a particular drug as some can take a toll in your body. 

Here are the drugs that damage your kidneys;


They are used to assauge and counteract blood pressure and even swellings. However, they are a menace to our body. They cause more harm than good to the kidneys by simply hampering some of the functions. 

You can resort for an alternative or see your doctor and talk about the other drugs that are harmless to the kidneys. 

2. Antibiotics

Although they help in relieving pain, antibiotics form crystals on the kidneys that in turn block urine from passing. Some also mutilate the kidney cells hence thwarting its functions. 


Especially those with oral sodium phosphate, they form crystals on the kidney that may lead to kidney failure. Try as much as possible to avoid using the drug for a long time for the sake of a healthy kidney.