No matter how ugly your future seems, there is still time to make a difference. 

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You can choose to start afresh leaving your old unproductive habits. It is great to live life now, but it is even greater to prepare a good future for you and your family.

Below are 5 tips to help you build a great future;

1. Live courageously

Whenever fear knocks on your head, choose to ignore it and face your future with courage. Do not fear to fail because failing is the best way to learn. Always remind yourself how the future would be if you give in to fear.

2. Find your strengths

Every person has his or her own strengths. In order to secure a great future, you need to find your passions and strengths and put them to practice. Things done out of passion are always successful. 

3. Be honest and accountable

The journey to a successful future requires that you be honest with your self and be accountable for whatever you do. Identify what your shortcomings are so that you don't get into unproductive investments. Simply evaluate yourself to know what things you are good at.

4. Identify who you are

Building a great future requires that you identify who you want to be and not what you want to be. Build up some confidence and competence since these two factors are the major drivers of change in life. 

5. Invest

Investing in a productive business is a sure way to a great future. Use the money you have to get more money for your future. You can hardly build a great future when all you do is save your salary.