Some people can't stand the taste of cabbage probably because they ate a lot of it when in high school or boarding primary school.

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However, according to, consumption of cabbage is beneficial to your health, as it has impressive healthy value for your body.

Here are 3 reasons why you should add cabbage to your list of favourite meals

It aids in digestion and boosts your immunity

Keep constipation, bloating and other digestion related issues at bay by eating more cabbage. Since it's rich in fibre, it helps the body retain water and in the process that eases the movement of food through the bowels.

The fibre also increases the number of bacteria in the gut which is important for your immune system.

So if you have digestion related issues and you want to boost your immune system, add cabbage to your diet. 

It's good for your heart health

Consuming cabbage has the potential of lowering your risk of heart disease. Cabbage has powerful compounds called anthocyanins which are a good friend to your heart. They have the ability to lower blood pressure hence lowering your risk of heart disease. 

Rich in Vitamin C 

We all know we need plenty of Vitamin C as it serves important different roles in our bodies. The fact that cabbage is packed with plenty of Vitamin C makes it an exceptionally healthy food.