Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny has said the Building Bridges Initiative report will craft a way for a new Kenya, contrary to what those opposing it are saying.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga are set to receive the report, which will give room for a robust debate in the coming days.

The BBI team was formed by the two leaders after their agreement to work together in March 2018. The team finished report writing in October.

Speaking on Saturday in Moiben, Kutuny said Kalenjins should not oppose the report, adding that such a move would alienate them from the rest of the country.

“The BBI will safeguard the interests of all Kenyans, and it will be a disservice to the rest of the country if the Kalenjin will be the only ones opposing a document that has the best interests of Kenyans.

"The Kalenjin community should know the country is greater than us and we should not be cowed into opposing BBI,” said Kutuny, a critic of DP William Ruto.

Nominated MP Wilson Sossion also backed the report, arguing that it will restore peace and stability in Kenya after decades of electoral disputes.

“What is killing the country is lack of power-sharing, corruption and blatant theft of public resources. And if constitutional amendment will address this social injustice then we shall support it,” he said.

Legislators allied to DP Ruto have been opposing the BBI report, despite the fact that President Kenyatta has been supporting it.