Prostitution in the lakeside city of Kisumu has tremendously increased over the past years.
A majority of those involved in the illegal business are young girls, most being school dropouts who try to eke out a living from the illicit trade.
Broad daylight sex trade is thriving in some brothels and pubs. Young ladies, aged between 16-25 years are lured into the business by their senior colleagues who have upped their game in the industry.
Well, here is Kisumu's famous 'Koinange street' you didn't know.
The place is known as beer belt. It is a famous place located just outside the Kisumu main bus terminus, on your way to United Mall and Tuskys supermarket.
The place is only dotted with pubs and brothels that accommodate the twilight girls. When you pass the area from 5 pm, you will notice skimpily dressed ladies parading their 'goodies'.
According to one bar attendant in the area, some prostitutes operate both day and night in the famous street.
"Some of these prostitutes operate on a 24-hour basis. Some have rented rooms in the lodgings you see here," said Kevin Otieno, a bar attendant.
The ladies will try to seduce you as you pass the area, in a bid to lure you into their sex traps.
They will even go to the extent of hurling insults at you if you show no sign of interest at them. The place has been in existence for many years. Most prostitutes flock this place due to a large number of pubs and bars located there.
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