The brain is the most complex organ in the body. It is located in the head and serves the center of the nervous system controlling the activities in the body like breathing and sleeping. It also has the hypothalamus which helps in the regulation of internal body temperature.
Here are four daily habits that can hurt your brain.
1. Poor sleep
As you sleep, the brain cell regenerates itself. This means that lack of sleep or insufficient sleep will interfere with this process making your brain susceptible to damages. Poor sleep causes degeneration and loss of the critical brain cells.
Your body needs sugar in the right amounts. Too much of something is poisonous. Consumption of excess sugar leads to interruption of the absorption process of foods which will lead to malnutrition. Malnourished body interferes with the development of the brain.
Water is essential for many body organs including the brain. Lack of sufficient water will Make your brain to shrink reducing its ability to perform important functions such as planning.
4. Alcohol and nicotine consumption
Overconsumption of these substances will affect your cerebral cortex where vital thought processes such as memory and language occur. Nicotine speeds up the thinning of the cerebral cortex.