Stomach upset is a common health problem domestically, at some point going to hospital cannot help rapidly.

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There are home remedies to soothe stomach upset and here is a list of them:

1. Drinking water

 Drink water in small sips to wash food from your body, avoid drinking water or tea in large sips. This can cause even more discomfort in the stomach.

2. Avoiding lying down

Lying can worsen the pain since stomach acid rises higher up your oesophagus when one is in a horizontal position. 

3. Ginger

Adding ginger to tea is very effective during stomach upset. Ginger neutralizes the stomach hence reduces pain.

4. Mint

An upset stomach caused by nervous shock can be cured by mint tea, try this out for better results. 

5. Taking a warm bath or using a heating bag. Warmth can remove painful sensations, it stretches muscles easing the pain. 

6. BRAT diet

It means Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. Eat these foods and you will forget about an upset stomach.

7. Aloe juice

Aloe juice improves digestive functions, has a bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal action, an ideal medication for the digestive system.

8. Coconut water

Has Lauric acid, a constituent of coconut water, helps fight against gastrointestinal infections and normalizes the work of the stomach. Coconut water is used to treat all sorts of stomach diseases associated with stomach upset, and constipation, intestinal worms and even dysentery.

9. Rice

A decoction of rice is very effective in case of an upset stomach. Rinse rice and cook it. After cooking, drain and cool the liquid. Take at least 2 litres of it a day. In the period of treatment, it is also useful to eat rice.

10. Cinnamon

It is effective in case of stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting. Cinnamon is helpful in easing stomach upset.