Breast cancer is a disease that develops when abnormal cells multiply in the breast. The multiplied cells end up forming a tumour that causes cancer to the breast.
Below are some of the facts you did not know about breast cancer.
1. Breast cancer attacks mostly the left breast
Breast cancer attacks the breasts but the left breast is the one that is most attacked. This is because the left side of the body is more prone to a type of cancer called melanoma.
The more you age the more risky you are
2. Breast cancer is most common among older people.
As one ages, she has the high chances of getting attacked to breast cancer than the younger women. Breast cancer mostly affects people who are 55 years old and above.
3. Breast cancer can also attack men
If you thought that breast cancer only attacks women, then you must be wrong. Breast cancer can also attack men but in rare cases. A small percentage of men are attacked by cancer of the breast but is very common to women.
Breastfeeding for long reduces the risks of breast cancer
It has been discovered that those women who breastfeed their children for more than a year are less attacked by breast cancer. Frequent breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer to the mother.