Vincent Muasya, famously known as chipkeezy is one of the best comedians in the country.

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The celebrity is known for his Kamba accent and the Mlolongo tale of his relatives whenever he is on stage performing on Churchill show.

The comedian is engaged to one of the most beautiful women in town, Vivian Kerry.

If we were to rank the comedians who are blessed with amazing women, Chipkeezy should be at the top of the list.

Vivian Kerry is a beautiful woman any man can wish to have in their life. 

Her fashion and design are always colorful. Most social media users who wished Chipkeezy good luck after proposing to her a ring, expressed their inner feelings and admirations towards her.

Their love story is interesting. When recalling the early times they met, Chipkeezy said he met her best partner through one of his friends.

Chipkeezy said the way she moves her eyes and how she used to behave whenever they paid him a visit made him develop his feelings on her.

Today, the two live happy lives which many people dream of.

Here are four photos of them together that prove Chipkeezy is a happy and lucky man:

Chipkeezy with his girlfriend Vivian Kerry [Photo/]

Chipkeezy with his girlfriend [Photo/]

