Metro World Child charity organisation founder Dr Pastor Bill Wilson has revealed several frustrations he has had to undergo at the Mombasa Port while shipping in relief food for needy children in Kenya.

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Speaking in Nakuru on Wednesday during a meeting with heads of schools sponsored by Metro Worldwide, Dr Wilson called on the government to look into such cases as they play a great hindrance to helping needy children in Kenya to access education.

Wilson said the frustrations at the Mombasa Port have seen foodstuffs meant for the needy children in Kenya not reaching them. It is for this reason that the clergy is now calling on the government to address the challenge and ensure such cases are curbed.

“We have tried to bring containers with food but when they reach the Port in Mombasa there are frustrations and at times they end up in the wrong hands. Why don’t we get someone from the system or even the government who can address this?" asked Wilson.

The organisation has been sponsoring several children in Kenya and other nations.

According to Dr Wilson, over 220,000 needy children are under the sponsorship programme with calls for more partnership.

“We need to come together and partner so that we can help these children achieve their dreams,” said Dr Wilson.