It is expected that when you finish school, you look for a job, move out then get a husband or wife, have kids then have your kids go through the same cycle. 

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 I got a good full-time job about four years ago and I can actually afford to move out and pay my own bills. Heck, if I save enough I can even buy myself a car.

I get it; there is limited freedom when living with your parents while you are of a certain age. Also, parents are said to make you feel too comfortable to be ambitious and risk-taking. 

However, with all the cons I still believe that I am so much better than all of you who are employed and trying to show us how independent you are. 

  Here are some of the many reasons why  I am still fine staying at my parents' house even though I am 29 and employed.  

1. I get to weed out the fake and immature friends 

You know those friends or boyfriends who invite you to peculiar events, worse off those men who invite you to visit them? Yet, they have no guts to meet your parents? 

I believe that if you have good intentions, then meet my parents and let’s have a conversation over tea. Looking at it from a different angle, if I don’t think you are worth introducing to my parents then I will definitely cut the cord on the relationship.

2. I do not pay rent and I hope I will never have to.

I have lived on my own before and I know how it feels to pay rent. For this reason, it doesn’t make sense for me to pay rent when I do not have to.

Doesn’t it make more sense to save the rent money you would have paid so that when you finally decide to move, you can move to your own home?

3. Cooking

Lastly, as a 29-year-old, I just love that moment when you wake up or get home so late and you know your mother has already done it! 
