President Uhuru Kenyatta met his deputy on Friday as divisions seem to rock the Jubilee party.

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Sources have said the tense meeting was held at State House and took a whole five hours as the two leaders discussed issues within their party.

The two are understood to have dodged their allies as they held the closed-door meeting to increase chances of agreeing on issues.

“They were alone in the long meeting. We are only connecting dots on what they discussed,” a source at state house said.

It is understood that state house comptroller Kinuthia Mbugua played a role in having the two sit down to discuss issues that threaten to split Jubilee and kill Uhuru’s Big Four Agenda.

Lifestyle audit, Ruto’s 2022 politics, and the Big Four Agenda are some of the issues that both Uhuru and Ruto are said to have addressed.

Another source who knows about the meeting said ‘the two leaders body language betrayed the tension between them these days’.