Are you a victim of back pains? This is a problem that mostly affects aged people.

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Back pain should be taken seriously.

When a person is suffering from back pain, bending becomes a problem.

Many factors may lead to back pain.

Here are some of the things that cause back pain:

1. Wearing high heeled shoes

Most ladies love wearing high heeled shoes.

However, after a long day, most women end up complaining about their backs.

Heels are the main cause of back pain.

To prevent this, it is advisable to interchange the heels with sandals or flat shoes.

2. Sitting for too long

Back pain can also be caused by sitting down for too long.

People who do jobs that require them to sit down for long hours are at high risk of suffering from back pain.

Hence, to prevent this, one should always take a break to at least stretch out.

3. Stress

Stress may lead to a lot of health complications to your body.

One of the health problems likely to be caused by stress is back pain.

When having stress, it is automatic that you’ll end up suffering from back pain.

Therefore, you should always try to be stress-free to avoid these issues.
