Luos are good people, but can get really rough when angered.

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Things that can anger a Luo man to an irreversible extent include a cheating wife, cultivating their land, theft and stealing fish from the nets for those near the Lake Victoria.

However, here is how you can escape the anger and the hostility and enmity that might follow.

1.Call him with his grandfather’s name.

When pleading with a Luo man to cool down, the best way to do it is by associating him with a lineage. 

The use of his father and grandfather’s name is the best trick in this context.

This shows that you respect them and their entire family, considering that to Luos, their family name is more important than a car, and a house combined.

This is how Luos beg people who have drowned in water to float to the shores before being pulled out for burial.

Calling him by his name, especially his first one, can only worsen the situation.

2. Offer him livestock

Livestock is considered a token of goodwill, reconciliation and regret in the Luo culture.

It is also used to prove that one is indeed sorry for wronging a Luo man, and can be another way out if you happen to have angered him so much.

It is also the method used by night runners when they are caught disrupting people’s sleep in the villages of Luo Nyanza.

3.Use of aunts and grandmothers

Women are known for their soothing and cooling powers.

In Luoland, when a man is angry or pained beyond the stage where their wives or parents can cool them down, then the aunts are called in to salvage the situation.

Grandmothers can also be used as they enjoy massive respect and admiration from this people, meaning that they can simply forgive you just because they do not want to frustrate their relatives.

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