Both Kenyan women and men have different expectations when they enter into relationships. 

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Setting too high expectations in life can be frustrating.

 Do not quit simply because he has not met your expectations in the relationships. 

There is a way you can save your love life when things seem not to work for the two of you. 

Here are 3 things to do when you realize he doesn’t meet your expectations.

1. Talk about it

Communication is paramount when it comes to love.

Make sure you communicate with him or her if your expectations aren’t being met. 

Through communication, you will understand each other’s needs and work towards the same. 

2. Seek advice from a professional

It can be necessary to seek help from an expert. 

Find a relationship expert to guide on the best way forward. 

Discuss the issue of visiting a counselor before leaving to the place. 

A counselor can bring back on track.

Some people do not believe in the idea of counselling when it comes to their marital woes

3.Revise your expectations

You might be frustrated because your expectations are too high.

It can be wise to revise your expectations in life. 

Make them realistic so that they can be handled with ease.

 Do not over expect from him if you want to be happy at the end of the day.