A story is told of Pio Gama Pinto, a young Goan freedom fighter and later a notable political figure who threatened to deal with founding president Jomo Kenyatta after a scuffle.

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According to Kenyatta's lawyer Fitz De Souza, the verbal fight ensued on the grounds, not the parliament where Pinto even, allegedly, shouted "I will fix you," to Kenyatta.

Fitz in his book titled 'Forward to Independence' says this was not the first time the young man was facing off with the rather elderly Kenyatta, though he was his supporter on matters leadership.

He says that he severally attempted to warn the young Goan against his exchanges with Kenyatta, then not yet the president, as having been close to him, he knew his might.

“I reminded Pio of Kenyatta’s strength, of the sacrifices and struggles he had made and his firm belief that the fruits of independence should be his," reads part of the book quoted by Daily Nation.

Fitz says that the young freedom fighter was stubborn, suggesting that this might have been the reason behind his murder a while later after he was shot by a man named Ndegwa.

He says that Pio claimed that he was fighting against land grabbers, one of whom Kenyatta was. He was aware of his looming assassination, before it actually came, and had been hiding in Mombasa before a cop named Ndegwa came to inquire if he was home and told about it, Pio knew that his time had come.

"Cheche acted as Pio’s bodyguard, and it was said would die for him. When Pio was told about the caller, he said he knew who Ndegwa was and that he was trying to organise to kill him," says Fitz, also a Goan.

Pio was later assassinated on February 25, 1965, only a year after Kenyatta took over as the President of the independent Kenya. 

He was assassinated outside his house.