Four students have been convicted to one-year imprisonment for arson in Yatta, Machakos County.

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The lot who was arreigned in Kithimani Law Courts on Tuesday were issued the jail term without fine for arson contrary to the law.

The four had appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate Gilbert Shikwe.

They were accused of setting ablaze a dormitory belonging to Kithimani Mixed High school in Yatta sub county of Machakos county.

The court heard that the four; Antony Mwathiga, Dennis Ndung'u, Stephen Kago and Newyon Njoroge commited the act on 31st July 2016.

The four set ablaze the dormitory leading to destruction of property worth Sh1.6 million.

On June 28, 2018, the judge set the case's ruling for today after finding the students guilty of the offence.

They were given fourteen days to appeal the ruling.

On the fateful day the students who were at a Sunday service were disrupted by the fire as flames engulfed the dormitory.

Members of the public helped put out the fire that had began spreading.
