Truth be told, each individual in a relationship secretly wishes for their choice of a partner to measure up to at least half of their fantasies. This wish list could range from race, religion, tribe, skin complexion and even height.
The standard of gorgeous for men has for quite some time been determined to be tall, dark and handsome.
This poses lots of questions, what about the short men? Are they not built for love too? Can they not be gorgeous? How do they measure up to the current universal standards set by women?
All these could form a solid foundation of insecurities for most short men. They for sure need to put in some kind of overtime hours in their 'romantic offices' just to match up to their taller counterparts. They put more effort into romance and try even harder in bed. Some have even described this as the short-man syndrome.
However, there are perks to being a short guy, for instance, kissing and hugging doesn't really have to get awkward since most women are of an average height anyways. Also, short men are never in short supply, so they have easily flooded the dating market and made themselves an acquired taste.
Short men don't necessarily have to be insecure, acceptance and a strong personality plays a major role in owning the height difference from the preferred standard. Overcompensation is a human flaw common at every stage of the height spectrum, if it's not for the height deficiency then it would be for something else altogether-maybe finances or even intellect.
All said and done, everyone has their own insecurities and everyone has to find a way to overcome them, or at least live with them.