Everyone is unique in their own ways. Nonetheless, their personality traits can match those of others. 

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The day of the week that you were born reveals a lot about your attributes and behaviours. 

Astrologists have explored for a long duration of time and have concluded that there is a distinctness about people born on a particular day. 

People born on:

1. Sunday 

They tend to possess creativity, cheerfulness and being egocentric. However, they are usually dissatisfied at times and are usually hot-tempered. 

2. Monday

They are warm and nurturing, thin-skinned, modest and kind-hearted. On the other hand, they have a tendency of being notional and easily influenced. 

3. Tuesday

They are spirited and enthusiastic, courageous, and go-getters. Their weaknesses are, being rush, impatient and intemperate.

4. Wednesday

They are changeable, talkative, and orderly. At times, they become careless and uncheerful. 

5. Thursday

People born on this day are big-hearted, joyful, optimistic, and fun loving. Nevertheless, they have a false beliefs and deceptions about themselves. 

6. Friday

They are characterised by unique creative skills, enjoy social interactions. Their weaknesses are reliance on others' opinions and being a bit self-centred.

7. Saturday

They are fond of reading a lot, prudent, humble, and pragmatic. They tend to overthink and are not quick in decision making.