As the new 2018/19 semester commences, there is excitement, enthusiasm and great expectations from all comrades as they look to successfully see off the completion of the whole semester towards the end of the year. 

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The first years have already reported and the equatorial institution now seems wholly rejuvenated with the fresh and determined young faces fresh from Kenyan high schools all over the country.

However, what comrades should know is that sleeping naked at this moment in time is not the best idea at all. 

It may sound awkward given the high temperatures round the clock that are partly courtesy of the institution's proximity to the Lake Victoria.

This semester carries with it a lot of 'activities' which may require that you sleep with your attire and always be prepared at all times, for anything, as the semester wears down. 

Sleeping naked leaves you vulnerable to a lot of stuff especially in the case of security. It will be hard for you to repel any form of physical attack, effectively, when naked. Won't it? 

The first semester is usually characterised by cases of banditry and robberies on the students in their hostels and at any point in time, one will have to defend themselves. This is very common for those residing outside of the institution. 

Hostility from the locals, who are always on the lookout for any chance to pounce and wrestle valuables from the students while at times causing actual bodily harm, is peculiarly characteristic of every first semester. All these happen at night when most students are asleep. If you are found naked, it could well be that you just provide the audience with all that happens.

On that note, therefore, make sure you go to bed with some attire on you. It is not insurance against any form of robbery but it is vital.

#hivisasaoriginal #MyLifestyle