Political leaders from Ukambani who supported President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election are now crying foul after they were sidelined in the Cabinet line-up and State House appointments.

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The politicians said Uhuru had urged them to throw their weight behind his bid and promised to absorb them in his new administration once he was re-elected to serve his second and final term.

Led by former Mbooni MP Kisoi Munyao, they claimed the Jubilee Party leader had pledged to appoint those who could not retain their political seats to the Cabinet and reward others with State jobs.

"We are not happy because the pledge to appoint a Cabinet Secretary from Ukambani wasn’t fulfilled and the community feels their sons and daughters were used and dumped,” Munyao said in an exclusive interview with Sunday Nation.

The former legislator dismissed the appointment of Foreign Affairs CS Monica Juma who hails from the region as a reward to the Kamba community.

He said Juma is married in Murang'a county, therefore, she cannot be said to be representing the interests of Ukambani.

The powerful Minister is married to polital scientist Prof Peter Kagwanja who hails from Kangema in Murang'a county.

"Let no one lie to us that by appointing Dr Juma to the Cabinet the Kamba community is represented because she is no longer one of us," Munyao told the local daily.

He noted that according to Kamba customs, once a dowry has been paid, it was a taboo for a daughter to claim leadership back at home.

Prominent individuals from Ukambani serving in top positions in Uhuru's government include Planning Principal Secretary James Muia and KMTC board chairman Philip Kaloki, who is also former Kibwezi MP.