Christianity is a way of life that follows the teaching of Jesus Christ. This way of life is mainly founded on love and forgiveness. When someone wants to engage in a Christian relationship, they should be ready to build it based on the teachings of Jesus. Here's how you can build a great Christian relationship with your partner:
1. The first step is to understand the basics and foundation of the path you are taking
The path you want to take is the one that will lead both of you to heaven as Jesus promised his followers. All actions that you and your partner undertake should be in that direction. The foundation of your love should be based on respecting the laws found in the Bible and Christ should be your foundation.
2. When you have issues with your partner, consult the bible
The bible has got hundreds of verses that teach about the relationship between spouses and how they ought to resolve their issues. The bible teaches love and forgiveness which you should inculcate in your relationship.
3. Always pray with your partner and ask for guidance
A family that prays together stays together. You should be open and honest about the desires of Christ and not your own desires which may be selfish. When you submit your worries to Christ, He will enlighten you on what you should do in your life to beautify your relationship with your partner.