Each parent wishes to bring up their children in a better way than they were brought. Children tend to misbehave so often. It is always normal for a parent to get annoyed by that. 

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However, the manner in which these frustrations are expressed to the children can stand to affect them negatively. Yelling at them is more disastrous.

Yelling at your kids is likely to have the following effects:

1. Worsens the behaviour

Yelling at your child cannot help them stop behaving in such a manner but it will lead to more resistance towards that behaviour.

According to Sarah Kenny, children who were shouted at by their parents increased their levels of bad behaviour.

2. Leads to child's depression and ulcers

Upon yelling, children will be sad, frustrated, hurt and scared. This can lead to depression and the development of stomach ulcers. This leads to more worsening behaviours.

Research showed that yelling will lead to depression and anxiety among children.

3. Makes them grow in fear

Consistent shouting to your child will make them grow up with fear. This will make them frightened and would never share out what they feel even if it hurts them so much. They will lack the maturity to solve issues on their own.