High intelligence is a trait everybody will wish to possess in the current world but it will be prudent to note that it comes at a cost since most highly intelligent people face unique difficulties and challenges.

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.Here are the top five struggles only highly intelligent people suffer from.

1. They are under more pressure to succeed.

Intelligent people tend to feel superior to others so if anything they do doesn’t contribute to being more successful, they feel like they are doing themselves a disservice hence they put pressure on themselves grow. 

2. Find it harder to make friends.

Intelligence attracts intelligence when intelligent people meet someone new, they ask clever, seemingly innocent questions that help them identify whether the person is someone worthy of their friendship and in most cases the probability of finding someone equal to their cleverness is zero.

3. They are trapped by their intelligence.

There are several instances of intelligent people feeling helplessly trapped by their intelligence. For example, intelligent people don’t typically have trouble understanding anything. If they attempt to teach someone and the person doesn’t understand, they can’t proceed. They find it difficult to empathize with and lack the desire to help 

4. They find it harder to be happy.

Intelligent people often think about the saying, “ignorance is bliss” and wonder if it would be better if they simply weren’t so smart. Happiness comes from accepting the universe exactly as it is, but when you can’t help but over-analyze the world around you, it’s almost impossible to simply let yourself be absorbed by the imperfect beauty of what’s around you.