The Chairman of the Council of Governors (CoG)Josphat Nanok was on Monday accused of spreading misleading news on the arrest of Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong. 

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In a joint statement issued by the CoG, Nanok claimed that government operations in Busia County have come to a stop following Ojamoong's arrest.

"The arrest of Governor Ojaamong means that the County is shut down and there is no business going on," Nanok had indicated protesting the arrest. 

Claiming witch hunt and mischief in the arrest, the Turkana County chief lamented that other senior government officials implicated in mega scandals including at NYS and NCPB are yet to face arrest. 

Kenyans across social media, however, told off Nanok over the claim of a vacancy in Busia County given that the constitution mandates the Deputy Governor to take over reigns of leadership in the absence of a governor. 

Nanok indicated that CoG stands with Ojaamong and accused the National Government of trying to "divert attention from their rot by arresting governors".

"As it stands, the case of Busia County is indicative that devolution is under threat. Currently, there is no business being transacted in the County Government of Busia since its chief executive has been arrested and charged in court.  However, in a statement likely alluding the preemptive strategy by the CoG in calling the presser, Nanok noted:

Governor Ojaamong was taken into custody by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)officials and appeared in court on Wednesday. He was in custody for two days before his release on bail on Friday pending hearing and determination of cases of alleged corruption in the county.