ODM leader Raila Odinga has accused MPs of sabotaging the fight against corruption. 

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Speaking on Monday during the burial of Migori Senator Ben Okello, Raila said it's sad that parliament has chosen to be on the wrong side of history by siding with suspects who “everybody knows are involved in dirty corruption."

“It is like sending a hungry dog to chase a thief carrying meat, the thief drops the meat and the dog lets him go,” Raila said during the burial of Migori senator Ben Oluoch Okello on Monday. 

He further noted that the 14-member advisory committee popularly known as the "handshake committee," has identified corruption as its main agenda adding that it will table its report soon.

“We (Raila and President Uhuru) have been working closely with the 14 people taskforce which will deal with the issue of corruption soon,” Raila said. 

Raila said runaway away corruption has been the main issue causing disunity in Kenya. He also said because of the spirit of the handshake, institutions in the country mandated to fight corruption have been “energized and are working well”.

“Corruption will be dealt with as the main agenda of the task force committee, already several institutions dealing with corruption are energized and are working. We have faith in the institutions,” he said.