Berries are small pulpy and juicy fruits. They are either sweet or sour in taste. The common berries include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currants, white currants and blackcurrants. Below are the benefits of consuming berries.

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High source of fibre

Berries contain high amounts of fibre which are important for your body. Fibre is important as it lowers blood cholesterol and the level of glucose. Consuming them makes you feel full all the time.

Controls weight

For overweight and obese people, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are good for them. They help in lowering the level of cholesterol in their body because they are low in calories.

Healthy brain

People who consume berries regularly are said to be mentally fit. Blackberries are good at improving the cognitive ability of human beings.

Healthy skin

Eating more berries improves the texture of your skin in many ways. It makes it soft, shiny and glowing. It also eliminates wrinkles from your skin making you look young always.

Prevent diabetes

Berries protect the cells from high blood sugar levels. People with diabetes type two are advised to consume as many berries as they can. This is because the nutrients contained in them is good at controlling diabetes type two.

Fight against cancer

Berries are said to protect one from mouth, breast and colon cancer. For those suffering from colon cancer are advised to consume as many raspberries as possible.

Fights heart diseases

Berries are good for your heart as they help in fighting heart-related diseases like stroke and heart attack. People who eat berries regularly are rarely attached by any heart-related diseases.