Residents in Migori County have raised alarm over the re-emergence of illicit brew which they argue has spiralled the rate of crime in most parts of the county.

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Residents from Kakrao Location in Suna East Sub-County and Kogenya village, Rongo Sub-County have raised concerns over the illicit brew which they say has turned youth in the area into zombies.

A section of bodaboda operators in Kakrao Location revealed that most young men from the area spend the entire day in drinking dens.

Led by their chairman George Okinyi, the residents want the authorities to step up the fight against illicit brew and close down the dens which they say are hiding grounds for criminals.

“We have youth who are not working and they spend the whole day in drinking dens which provide a hiding ground for criminals raiding the neighbourhood,” said Okinyi on Friday.

The residents accused local authorities and police of laxity in the fight against illicit brew in the area.

“The local authorities and the police only extort money from the brewers in exchange for protection and this has made the fight against illicit brew an uphill task," said Moses Otieno, a resident.

In Kogenya village, the situation is not any different as residents have raised concerns over the mushrooming of brewing dens in the area.

“We have over 40 local dens in the village alone and this has created a lot of unease as most of our property is stole and sold off in exchange for alcohol," said Janet Achieng, a resident.

"Due to the rampant consumption of illicit alcohol in this area, our young men have abdicated their roles at home posing a security threat because they cannot fend for themselves yet they prefer a comfortable lifestyle,” she added.