Being respectful is about living in a way where you have attractive values that others appreciate. Respect gives you something that very few people have: it gives you people's trust. You will all of a sudden have some confidence in your life when you realize that everyone respects you. Below are the super effective techniques that will help you garner respect from everyone.

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1. Tell people you appreciate them 

Respect starts with you taking action first and then benefits follow. People respect you when you appreciate them first. Always tell people how you appreciate them and the best way to do it only if you mean it is to put lots of passion into your voice. 

2. Say sorry when you mess up 

You will be the person everyone respects when you can apologize without being asked when you have done something wrong. This is because it clearly indicates how you are not lowering other people's dignity. Always learn to say sorry when you mess up. 

3. Write your thoughts down

Get used to expressing yourself through writing. Respect is gained when you can demonstrate to others that your mind is in control. People respect you when you treat them well despite the fact that it is hard to be nice to people if you are walking around with a head full of negative thoughts. It is hard for someone to respect you if they don't have to purport with you.