The course of every man’s life – at least as per African traditions – ultimately leads to marriage. For the Kalenjin, it is an important rite of passage. 

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With changing social dynamics and beliefs, men look for women with certain characteristics. A Kalenjin man desires a model wife who will not be a source of scorn among his people, but rather a source of pride. 

These are some of the things a Kalenjin man will look out for: 

An industrious lady 

A Kalenjin man prefers a lady who can contribute to the family’s coffers even in a small way. An industrious lady will till that piece of land and produce vegetables for the family and if employed, her salary will as well boost the family’s budget. 

A humble lady

A humble lady will win a Kalenjin man’s heart any day. A lady who is arrogant does not help in any way. In fact, she destroys the image of her husband in the eyes of the community. 

A lady with dignity

There are many things that define dignity among the Kalenjin: respect, faithfulness, hygiene and love. A lady who does not adhere to these will certainly become the talk of the community among the Kalenjins. Also, dignity is seen in the mode of dressing, and generally be above reproach in the eyes of the community and her husband.

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