Arguments are common in most relationships. Arguments can, however, lead to breaking up if they are not handled well. There are couples who rarely engage in arguments because of the love they share. Here are four unique habits of couples that don’t argue in relationships

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1. They remember common goals

There are relationships goals couples need to attain. Couples who do not argue unnecessarily never ignore relationship goals. They know that these goals are their pillars of strength.

2. They don’t attack each other’s character

Only a less caring partner will attack your character. A loving partner knows that attacking each other could weaken the love life. She or he will always ensure that there is peace in the affair. Attacks make the relationship more vulnerable hence should be avoided by all means.

3. They listen to each other

Couples who rarely argue often listen to each other. The couple understands that listening is caring. They never do anything until they get the opinion of their better halves. They know what it means when you are in a two-way relationship.

4. They don’t have unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations can wreck a marriage. Loving couples who are not ready to argue rarely set unrealistic expectations. They often dwell on the positive side of life.