Every marriage is made up of two desperately wicked sinners. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) Align your marital expectations with the reality of fallen humanity still living in a desperately wicked and fallen world. You’re not married to a sinless saint. Have realistic expectations for your spouse and your marriage. Regardless of how loving your spouse is, expect him or her to be human. Expect your spouse to fail, to make mistakes, to make wrong judgments and regrettable decisions. Expect to be disappointed and to be hurt.
When your expectations are realistic, nothing that happens in your marriage will surprise you. Realistic expectations will enable you to prepare for the inevitable reality of the human experience. You will prepare to forgive your spouse repeatedly. You will be slow to anger, slow to condemn and judge harshly, realizing that tomorrow it will be you desperately needing unmerited forgiveness. Having realistic expectations for your marriage, helps you realize the need for daily prayer.
There's nothing as annoying and irritating as being in a relationship with someone who constantly apologizes when he/she does something wrong but they never Change. They are very quick to own up to the wrongs they do, they promise never to do that thing again but they end up doing that same thing over and over again. The most annoying thing is you won't even know how to break up with them because they would come up with the best apologies. A day will come when they won't listen to your boring apologize and they will dump you without looking at your crocodile tears.