A Nakuru based human rights activist now claims that the Kenya National Union of Teachers {KNUT} secretary General Wilson Sosion is using the issues affecting teachers as a platform for preparing his political bid in 2017.

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David Kuria, from the Nakuru human rights network {NAHURINET} said that Sosion has his eyes set on a parliamentary seat and that he is using the teachers’ problems as a platform of popularizing himself ahead of 2017.

Speaking in NAKURU town, Kuria said that as much as KNUT has the right to fight for the welfare of its members, its leadership has politicized the fight for their own selfish interests.

 “Sosion is preparing to get into parliament and it seems he has started preparing his way that is why you see him suing all his power and energy to push the government. He might purport to be fighting for teachers but I can tell you deep in his heart he knows he is after other things,” said Kuria.

Kuria said that KNUT should come out and tell Kenyans how they utilize the millions of shillings they receive as monthly remittances from teachers.

“KNUT must tell Kenyans how much their officials get as allowances and how they use the millions they receive from members every month. We want to know how much Sosion earns before he can start pushing the government into giving teachers what it does not have,” he said.

He called on Sosion to distinguish politics and the problems facing poor teachers in the country.