ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru on Thursday added his support on why the alternative manual voting system is required due to fears that al-Shabab can interfere with the electronic system.

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The CS said so while appearing before the senate committee on legal affairs chaired by Busia Senator Amos Wako.

"We are at war with al-Shabaab who are known to interfere with communication systems. The Ministry fully recommends a manual backup system," he said.

Mucheru revealed that the manual system is better not only because of terrorism but the fact that the country has challenges with telecommunication infrastructure.

"I support full electronic process in future but we also need a back-up. We need an optional system," he said.

Mucheru said technology will not be used to violate the rights of other Kenyans.

"Cartels are trying to use technology to frustrate Kenyans. We have realised early enough and the same technology will be used to control all that," he said.

"We'll ensure we have better systems that work faster, create transparency and are cheaper," he said.

However, Mombasa senator Hassan Omar opposed Mucheru's al-Shabaab claims.

 "It is a mediocre reasoning which is dangerous at this time," he said.