Lands CS Joseph Kaimenyi. [Photo/Standard]Lands and Physical Planning Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi has through the powers given to him under Section 25 of the Land Control Act, Cap 302 increased payment of allowances for members of Land Control Boards from Kshs 500 to Kshs 2,500. The Land Control Boards are established under Section 5 of the Land Control Act, Cap 302 of the Laws of Kenya. The Act empowers the Cabinet Secretary responsible for Lands to appoint and gazette members to serve for three (3) year renewable terms. The current members were appointed and started working with effect from June, 2016.As stipulated in the Act, the functions of the Board are:• Establishment of Land Control Areas• Land Control Boards (membership)• Control of deals in Agricultural Land• Guidelines on granting of consent among others.The Act also states that membership of the Control Boards shall be:• The Deputy County Commissioner of the Sub County in which the land control area or division is situated, or an Assistant County Commissioner deputed by him in writing , who shall be chairman;• Not more than two other public officers;• Two persons nominated by the County Government having jurisdiction within the area of jurisdiction of the board; and• Not less than three and not more than seven persons resident within the area of jurisdiction of the board;The Boards meet monthly under the Chairmanship of the respective County Commissioners. Members, except ex-officio ones i.e. civil servants, are paid a sitting and mileage allowances at the rate of Kshs 500 and Kshs 100 respectively.These rates were set in the year 1990. Since then, a lot has changed, including the economic realities.

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